
Thanks for relieving a lot of stress for this new mamma

I had a breast reduction 6 years ago (nipple removed). I was so scared of not being able to breast feed with my newborn (4 day old) that I felt like giving up before even trying. With all the articles and professional advice from doctors, I figured I’d never be able to express milk. Because it was so important to me, I still tried even though the odds were against me. I cried and screamed in pain, nothing (not even colostrum) was coming out. I was referred to Erin. She dropped everything on a Saturday night and came to my house. She literally taught me sooooo much that I didn’t know ( even being my second pregnancy ). By the time she left my house I was expressing colostrum and by the next day I was expressing milk. (Yes I cried happy tears lol) I didn’t realize her techniques she taught me had such a vital role in expressing milk, especially since my surgery. She was knowledgable, kind, patient and honestly one of the most laid back chicks I’ve ever met. I want to thank you Erin, you knew how important it was for me to BF and you have responded to every text, call, question without any hesitation. Thanks for relieving a lot of stress for this new mamma again and for saving me a crap load of money! thank you Erin Bond Garcia
– Shaylene

I would not have been a successful twin breastfeeding mama without you

When I gave birth to twins I was determined to breastfeed no matter how hard it would be After the first few weeks between all the challenges and having premature babies that had difficulty latching, I began to accept that maybe breastfeeding wasn’t for me. That’s exactly the moment when I was put in contact with Erin, who was a game changer. Not only was she patient and kind, but she was exceptionally knowledgeable and professional. In our first encounter together, Erin immediately put me at ease and gave me so much hope that I can do it. She guided me through tandem breastfeeding and ensured I felt confident each step of the way. Erin made me feel like no question was a crazy one, and she treated her time with me as if there was no place she would rather be. I am so lucky to have had Erin’s guidance and support throughout that very difficult time. Working with Erin was such a beautiful experience as she helped me fulfill my dream as a twin mom which was to tandem breastfeed. As a new mom I would highly recommend working with her as you navigate those first unknown stages of motherhood! Thank you Erin for your care, patience and beautiful and encouraging spirit! Without you I don’t think I would have been a successful twin breastfeeding mama! All the love!
– Anessa Barbiere

I can ‘t say enough about Erin and Latch n Flow!

She is beyond amazing! I was struggling to get a proper and consistent latch, so my best friend recommended her and boy was I grateful! She was informative, patient, nurturing and went above and beyond for me at such an important time! She helped address his latch, gave me alternative and effective positions for my body type and was emotionally supportive in the journey that breastfeeding is! Although its natural thing, it doesn’t always happen that way and Erin helped get me and my baby on the right track! 5 months later and I’m still successfully exclusively breastfeeding and I’m so grateful for all her help to be able to do that! I’ve already recommended her to other friends and will continue to do so!
– Alana Burrell

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